Sunday, February 13, 2011

Born Again

How many times must I be born in just one lifetime?
There was the first time which was probably stressful
though I apparently didn't mind enough to remember it.

There were a few times in my youth when
my point of view was twisted into something new.

There were a few very dark births which felt more like death
when they were happening but later the light shone back and
I recognized the transition for what it was. New life.

There were the months my chest felt like it would either collapse or explode and I would either be born again or die trying.
I'm not dead yet.

But I'm on the verge of something once more.
And if I weren't so tired of being born again,
I'd be a little more excited about it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Affect of Laughter on the Variable Perception of the Passing of Time

Sometimes when I'm with certain people and we laugh a lot together
it seems as though time stands still and life will never end.

Other times when joy bursts from my lungs and squeezes out through my tear ducts
I am afraid time is all going too fast and
will be over before I'm ready.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I woke

I woke today.
The sun had woken before me.
My toes moved.
My hands moved.

My heart moved too--
with gratitude for
my body, my rest,
the rest of the day.